Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Lesson in Laziness

I ran 20 miles on Sunday. Monday was my rest day, no problem. I was a bit stiff, but went to the gym to get 15 minutes of stretching in, and felt a bit better, but the rest of the day was hectic and by 7pm I was on a train to Newcastle. Despite bringing my kit I did something naughty - I skipped TWO ENTIRE SESSIONS of running on the Tuesday and Wednesday. A 4 miler and 7 miler the next day. I was a bit tired and slightly unsure of where to run in Newcastle so I just tried to ignore the nagging guilt and let my legs get tighter and tighter (I wasn't doing any stretching either).

This morning I got up and thought I'd run a 7 miler today instead (on what would have been my rest day if I'd moved my butt earlier in the week) but my legs would not play ball. They felt like lead and didn't ease up. I managed 4 miles and they were the longest 4 miles of my marathon training yet, and no, the strong wind didn't help, but the problem was definitely of my own making. This run was far more painful and difficult than any of my previous miles, even the last handful of my LSD runs. There was nothing in the tank. 

I've been having a glass of wine every other night, so that's stopping. I will stretch and foam roll for 20 mins a day and I'm going for 8 hours sleep a night minimum. I've learned by lesson.

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